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Can You Tattoo Over A Mosquito Bite?

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can you tattoo over a mosquito bite

It’s summertime, and that means mosquito season is in full swing. For some people, a bite from a mosquito is nothing more than an itchy annoyance.

But for others, a mosquito bite can lead to a, much bigger problem – an ALLERGIC reaction. If you’re one of those people with a bad reaction to mosquito bites, you may be wondering if you can get a tattoo over the affected area.

You should not tattoo over a mosquito bite. Just wait a few hours and the allergic reaction and swelling should go away and then you are GOOD TO GO! Tattooing over a mosquito bite (or any bug bite) raises a ton of issues and concerns so it’s best to wait till it’s healed.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the pros and cons of tattooing over mosquito bites and help you decide what’s right for you.

Can I Tattoo Over a Mosquito Bite?

While it is generally safe most tattoo parlors will not refuse to tattoo over a bug bite. However, there is always a risk of infection, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Tattooing forces tattoo ink and other contaminants DEEP into the skin, which can cause irritation and inflammation. If you have a mosquito bite, it’s best to wait until the skin heals before getting a tattoo.

Let’s now take a look at some of the issues that may arise if you plan on getting a tattoo over bug bites.

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Why You Should Not Tattoo Over A Mosquito Bite? 4 Major Reasons

  • May cause infections
  • Swelling might make it difficult for the tattoo artist
  • Once the swelling comes down the tattoo might look different
  • Scratching (due to itching caused by the bite) might mess up the tattoo after it’s done

Let’s take a look at each of these in more detail:


Some mosquitos may carry viruses or parasites and if one of these bad boys bites you have a good chance of getting infected and will fall seriously ill. You will not be able to get the tattoo done if this happens.

Can You Tattoo Over A Mosquito Bite?

Plus no one knows exactly what’s happening under your skin and ink when mixed with the infected area might also cause problems.


Alright, say you got a tattoo over a bite.

Mosquito bites cause the infected area to itch, the more you scratch the more your skin inflames. So now, if you start scratching your fresh tattoo on the infected area it will likely remove the top layer of your skin prematurely which will certainly mess up your tattoo causing patchy areas.


Most of the time bug bites cause the infected area to SWELL. This makes it a bit harder for the tattoo artist to properly work on it.

After the the swelling goes away the tattoo might even look different and ugly because it was done on raised skin and when it comes back to the normal size the ink concentration on particular spots might change making the tattoo look different.

Are Mosquitoes Attracted To Fresh Tattoos?

Mosquitoes are attracted to fresh tattoos because of the increased levels of carbon dioxide that the body emits. Carbon dioxide is what attracts mosquitoes to humans, and since tattoos are a wound, they emit more carbon dioxide than the surrounding skin.

Furthermore, mosquitoes are also attracted to lactic acid and sweat, both of which are present in higher concentrations on skin that has just been tattooed. So if you’re looking to avoid getting bit by mosquitoes, try to avoid getting tattoos in areas that are likely to attract them—like near your neck or face.

Can You Tattoo Over a Bug Bite?

When it comes to tattoo over a bug bite the definitive answer is no but now you will ask the reasons why not. First, a bug bite is a minor yet active injury to the skin, making it an unsuitable canvas for a tattoo.

Inking over a bug bite can lead to excessive discomfort and potential complications due to your body’s ongoing healing process.

Secondly, the bug bite is likely to cause swelling in the local area, which can distort the tattoo’s design. Furthermore, there is also a risk of infection as bites often itch, and scratching can introduce bacteria into the fresh ink, making a new tattoo an inviting environment for germs.

So, while the idea might seem appealing or practical, the risks significantly outweigh the benefits.

Insect Bite on Tattoo

An insect bite on a tattoo can create a cause for concern due to the potential impact it could have on your cherished body art. You see, the ink of a tattoo is deposited in the dermis, the second layer of our skin where it’s safe from normal wear and tear.

However, an insect bite could cause an inflammatory response, leading to swelling and redness which is not an ideal scenario for a tattoo.

If the bite is substantial and the scratching afterward intense, it may lead to inadvertent damage of the dermal layer, which could, in turn, distort the appearance of the tattoo.

So, if you’ve been bitten by an insect on your tattoo, it’s recommended to clean the area thoroughly, apply a cold pack to reduce swelling, consider using a topical corticosteroid to manage itching, and most importantly, try to resist the urge to scratch.

Can You Cauterize A Mosquito Bite?

There is some debate on whether or not cauterization is an effective method for treating mosquito bites. Some people believe that cauterization will help to stop the spread of infection, while others believe it can make the bite worse. There is no definitive answer, and you should always consult with a healthcare professional before trying any new treatment methods.

What Happens When a Mosquito, Bug, or Insect Bites After Getting a New Tattoo?

When a mosquito, bug, or insect bites your newly tattooed skin, the immediate concern is inflammation and potential infection. Your new tattoo is essentially an open wound, and insect bites can introduce bacteria into this vulnerable area, potentially leading to infection.

The inflammatory response caused by the bite could also disrupt the healing process of your tattoo, possibly causing the ink to fade or disperse unevenly.

Further to it incessant scratching due to the itchiness of the bite could further damage the tattoo, leading to scarring or patchy coloration.

Therefore, it’s more important to keep your new tattoo clean and avoid situations where insect bites might occur. Protect your skin by covering it up when in bug-prone areas and using insect repellent that’s safe for use on tattoos.

In case of a bite, follow proper wound care techniques and consult your tattoo artist or doctor for further advice. 

Bottom Line

So, can you tattoo over a mosquito, bug, or insect bite? No, you definitely shouldn’t! We just explored some of the most common reasons why you should not do it.

No one wants an ugly tattoo or worse an INFECTION! So please wait till the bug bite is fully healed and the swelling has gone down.

This video will tell you how you can speed up the healing process:


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